Intarsia knitting is a decorative knitting technique that involves working with blocks of color to create a pattern or design. Unlike stranded colorwork, where multiple colors are carried across the back of the work, intarsia knitting creates separate blocks of color that are worked individually.
The technique is believed to have originated in the Middle Ages, where it was used in woodwork and furniture-making. It was eventually adapted for use in knitting, and it became particularly popular in the 15th and 16th centuries in Europe. At this time, it was used to create elaborate designs on knitted garments, such as stockings, gloves and sweaters.
In the 20th century, intarsia knitting is very polular, particularly during the 1920s and 1930s. During this time, it was used to create bold, geometric designs on sweaters and other garments.
Today, intarsia knitting is still a popular technique among knitters and designers, who use it to create complicated patterns and designs on everything from scarves to blankets to sweaters. With the availability of a wide range of colors and yarns, the possibilities for intarsia knitting are unlimited.
If you’re interested in trying out intarsia knitting for your design, we are hear to support you with the intarsia knitting sweater development.